How to become an Upper Austrian Lawyer


Being a member of the Bar Association of Upper Austria where Christian had the privilege to additionally serve as a board member until September of 2015, his compendium about the requirements of how to become an Upper Austrian lawyer in the shape of a comprehensive FAQ „Die Ausbildung zum Rechtsanwalt in Oberösterreich“ is still the ultimate tool, aiding aspiring lawyers in how to get through the various steps of University and practical training, including detailed explanations of formal requirements and templates to use in the application and registration process, adding practical insights about the work as a court clerk, including valuable tips about the rigorous lawyers exam. It is available for download here or alternatively here on the Bar Association website.


Successfully passing the MCT


After a high scoring pass of the MCT at first attempt under guidance of QLTS Advantage, Christian is currently preparing to sit for the OSCE for the Qualified Lawyers’ Transfer Scheme to become an English Solicitor in 2017.


Christian Zeilinger, Mag. jur., B.A., LL.M., is an Austrian lawyer and a registered European lawyer in England with an additional Masters degree in German Business Law.

He is studying at the City University London and QLTS Advantage New York.

Additionally he is currently working on his PhD in Comparative English, US, Austrian & German Contract law at the University of Salzburg, Austria.

Erfolg für Verbraucherschutz – AGB Schadenversicherung


Zugunsten des Versicherungsnehmers wurde vom Obersten Gerichtshof in 7 Ob 14/16h ein Fall unserer Kanzlei entschieden. Im Zusammenhang mit einem Sturmschadenversicherungsvertrag, dem nicht nur die Allgemeinen Bedingungen für die Sturmversicherung (AStB 2002), sondern auch die Besonderen Bedingungen St 120 und die Besonderen Bedingungen GaN-2010 zugrunde liegen, kam der OGH unter Einbeziehung der Versicherungspolizze zum „klarstellenden“ Ergebnis, dass auch Grundstückseinfriedungen (hier: durch ein Hochwasser beschädigte Stützmauer) vom Versicherungsschutz umfasst sind.

Erfolg für Verbraucherschutz – AGB Schadenversicherung weiterlesen